Saturday, December 3, 2011

Not 18.....He Can't Be

Today Allspice turned 18 and capped off Birthday Week at our house.  Paprika and Cinnamon turned 16 on Wednesday, I turned 29 again on Friday, and Allspice reached that milestone of 18 today.  Just so you don't think we leave Dan out in all this birthday fun, he will celebrate the big 50 later this month.  Christmas and five birthdays in a matter of 26 days.  Crazy!!!!!

Here is to you Allspice.  Thank you for 18 wonderful years.  There has been so much joy!  I am so proud of the young man you have become.  I am so glad God chose me to be your mother!  I love you with all my heart.


1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to the guy who, according to my little fella "knows about EVERYTHING. Even Scooby Doo." ;) Snapdragon admires you so much, and I couldn't have hand-picked a better role model for him. Hope your birthday is grand!

    Sheila- you have so very much to be proud of. I only hope to be half as succesful as you have been in raising beautiful, faithful, fantastic teenagers.

    (And that picture of Allspice with the butterfly is too cute for words!)



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