Thursday, July 19, 2012

Things Are Growing Like Crazy

Things are really heating up this summer!  No, I don't just mean the weather, although it has been rather hot lately.  I mean in terms of just about everything else.  Cinnamon and Paprika have been dancing three times a week, just finished a performance, and are getting ready for another feis.  Allspice has entered the workforce.  He is working two jobs actually.  He does yard work at one job and works full time on a farm.  He is definitely learning a lot!  Even I have been running and working like crazy.  I just started a job that I absolutely love!  It is part-time and I get to work from home with some amazing people.  It is a growing experience for me, that's for sure!

I meant to write sooner, but.....well now you know. 

I did want to share some pictures with you of my garden.  Remember the pictures from a few weeks ago?  You can see them here. are some new pictures!

The tomatoes are as tall as Cinnamon and are loaded with green tomatoes.  We have already picked several zucchini too!

The peppers are growing  and we have had a lot of fresh lettuce for our dinners.  Yes, those are cucumbers!  Winning round two on that one!

Even the pigs are huge!!!  Percival (the white one) and Chaucer (the red one) have been fun to raise this year, but I have to say they are the laziest pigs we have ever had.  They sleep next to the feeder so they can simply sit up, eat while sitting, and then immediately lay back down again.  LAZY!!!!

Well, Jack is about the only thing not growing like crazy around here, but he sure gives good hugs!

And a hug is always welcome around here!

Have a great weekend!!! 

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