Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What a Difference a Year Makes

When we first became gluten free everything seemed so daunting, especially baking!  I remember checking out books from the library and shaking my head when I came across recipes that used flours I had never heard of or recipes that used a long list of ingredients.  I resigned myself to the fact that I was probably going to have to use packaged mixes that seemed very expensive.

I did try to adapt some of my favorite recipes into gluten free versions.  The problem was that I was at the beginning of that learning curve and some of my attempts were not so great.  A good case in point was my adaptation of a French bread recipe that I had made for 18 years and my family loved. 

Yep!  You are right.  It did not turn out so well.  Actually, it tasted fine, but it was incredibly dense and had relatively no color.  It was pretty pathetic.

Over the past year and half, I have studied cookbooks and ingredients.  I have tried to learn the ins and outs of gluten free cooking and baking.  I still have a lot to learn, but I hope this will give all of you who are new to the GF life a reason to keep on trying. 

Tonight I made gluten free French bread using one of those recipes with a long list of ingredients!  I used the French bread recipe found in Bette Hagman's book The Gluten Free Gourmet Bakes Bread and had very different results!

It was delicious!  Definitely better than a year ago, don't ya think?

1 comment:

  1. Oh my- that looks good. I think you have finally convinced me to get that cookbook. :)


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